Ah, Mercury Retrograde.

About 3 times a year, Mercury looks like it backtracks in the night sky. This is what retrograde means. In the last few years it’s become kind of a catch-all for irritating things and minor inconveniences. It is a time where forward motion can feel like you’re slogging through jello, metaphysically speaking, but it’s such … Continue reading Ah, Mercury Retrograde.

It’s Been Busy!

Hi folks! Its been quiet here because I've been behind the scenes, making some changes and getting some things ready. I converted a room in my house to be my office and Smell-Good Factory. This is where I make all my incense and perfume oils (and any other smell-good thing I have coming up!), and … Continue reading It’s Been Busy!

Why Discernment is Important

I’m gonna talk about discernment today. Miriam-Webster says that discernment is “the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure”. In a specifically spiritual context, it means being able to sort the bullshit out from the things that make sense to you. When you engage in the spiritual, inevitably you’re going to … Continue reading Why Discernment is Important

Ritual Incense

https://www.tiktok.com/@risingpeacehealer/video/7151829361031744810?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7195930256908682798 I have been hand-dipping incense for about a year now. It's something I use often in my practices, and it's been available locally for about that long, but I finally added them to my Etsy shop. I've begun doing some seasonal, limited edition ones, the most recent being the May Queen blend. And I'm … Continue reading Ritual Incense

Genealogy’s Place in Ancestor Work

The first time my Grandma Harlow let me look at the green book we called, “The Big Zike Book”, I was enthralled with the idea of who my ancestors were. I was fascinated by learning how to find out what gets left behind from someone’s life. What are the parts they want to pass down, … Continue reading Genealogy’s Place in Ancestor Work

Why “Modern Seidkona”?

A fair amount of Norse pagans use the term “völva” when referring to a person (usually a woman, but not always, I’ll write about that at some point too.) who practices magic. Often they specifically mean divination through animistic journeying. I've chosen not to use that word to describe myself for a lot of reasons. … Continue reading Why “Modern Seidkona”?

Misinformation vs. Mystic Information

Today I want to talk about misinformation in pagan and metaphysical spaces. In this time of fast internet and near instant information travel, it’s easy to pass along any old thing as real information, and gods know people do it all the time. Sometimes unintentionally, but sometimes it’s done with absolute intent, usually to make … Continue reading Misinformation vs. Mystic Information